Sublime: productive of the strongest emotion which the mind is capable of feeling

Fashion, Beauty and Literature are Utterly Sublime.

This is the sister blog to, here Lady Winsome muses on all things fashion and life...

Friday, July 31, 2009

Beauty in Distress - The Most Affecting Beauty

The name of this blog came in part from my love of words and literature.

Edmund Burke wrote 'A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful' in 1757. I define sublime as he did. Burke offers this little gem which has endured the test of time,

"The cause of beauty... where it is highest, in the female sex, almost always carries with it an idea of weakness and imperfection. Women are very sensible for this; for which reason, they learn to lisp, to totter in their walk, to counterfiet weakness, and even sickness. In all this they are guided by nature.

Beauty in distress is much the most affecting beauty.

Blushing has little less power; and modesty in general, which is a tacit allowance of imperfection, is itself considered as an amiable quality, and certainly heightens every other that is so."

Not only are we beautiful, but we are smart, using everything to our advantage.